Youtuber Known For Discussing Religious Issues Caught With Child Pornography

Source: New Indian Express
The recent case of a Youtuber caught with possession and access of child pornography has cause quite a stir if not outright online battles among Malaysian netizens. This due to the fact the Youtuber was known for discussing religious issues in his videos.
Even more worrying however, are the dismissive attitudes displayed by some commentors who don’t understand the gravity of the crime.

Comments such as “he was just keeping them, everyone else does it too” displays an outright dismissive attitude towards the crime.

This sort of attitude is no longer just about defending one’s favourite celebrity who was caught with his pants down. The fact that he is out on bail is a major concern especially when he was allegedly said to host the platform circulating child pornography.
Hosting aswell? OMG NEXT LEVEL DISGUSTING. Should not be given bail! — Tasnim Lo (@tassniim) September 21, 2020
It shows at least some his online supporters do not consider what he did to be a crime or at least not worth all the hoo-hah around it. After all, according to them, he only had pictures, not that he had actually raped anyone.

One actually replied to Marina Ibrahim, a DAP politician who criticised such responses, with “If I keep your naked pictures, is it wrong?”, an outright harassment.
klau simpan gambar bogel u salah x? — popiah muadz (@PopiahM) September 20, 2020
According to World of Buzz, Marina mentioned that it is an unfortunate reality where people aren’t aware of the seriousness of child porn.
“There are many cases of sexual abuse that occur among children. Unfortunately, we see that there are still many out there who are not sensitive to this situation. In fact, some can make cases of sexual abuse among children as a joke.” – Marina Ibrahim
It’s about time people realize that child porn is no joking matter. It is a billion dollar industry that is sick, depraved and bloody.
Reporter’s Opinions: I hate people who use religion as a shield to hide their true depraved selves.
Unfortunately, there are more out there. Fatih Seferajic was exposed for allegedly being an abusive sexual offender.

Children should be protected at all costs. It should not even be a category in pornographic material. Anytime I hear about child trafficking or porn, it makes my blood boil.

It makes me wanna round them up in a circle and light a bonfire using them.

I really hope this fella, whoever he is, be caught and kept away from society at all costs.