The Next Deputy Prime Minister: Minister Lawrence Wong

Min Lawrence Wong will be the next Deputy Prime Minister from June 13. This announcement came two months after he was made leader of the PAP’s 4G team. In a Facebook post, PM Lee mentioned that Min Wong will be acting PM in his absence and continue to be the Minister of Finance.
Other key promotions include:

New roles given to current ministers includes:

DPM and former leader of the 4G team, Min Heng, congratulated Min Wong on his appointment.

Min Chan congratulated Min Wong and thanked Sun Xue Ling for her services when she was in MOE.

Min Tan Chuan Jin congratulated the ministers who were promoted, for making a difference and wished them the best in leading their new roles.

Many expressed concern about tangible aspects of their lives like the rising cost of living in Singapore and how the new DPM can help tackle the issue.

There are those who said that Min Wong should be able to empathise with the plight of people on the ground and do more in his capacity as DPM for those who are struggling in trying times.

PM Lee concluded his post by saying that the next generation leadership is taking shape and asked Singaporeans to give full support to the important transition.

Reporter’s Opinions: Congratulations to Min Wong for the promotion. It’s not surprising to be honest since he was named the leader of the 4G team two months ago.
Let’s see how Singapore progresses with all the new appointments.
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