Song Composed by Cultural Icon, Riduan Zalani, Gets Over A Thousand Shares

Raikan Ilmu is back again and this time with a theme song that has already went viral with over 1k shares on Facebook. Sama Raikan is composed by the talented Riduan Zalani in collaboration with the legendary Ramli Sarip, lyricist Mdm Hartinah Ahmad.
Netizens of all races were impressed with the composition and the incorporation of pantun in the song.

In light of the pandemic, this year’s theme is “Embrace Learning, Strengthen Resilience.” 2020 is an extraordinary year where we embraced new ways of learning in order to stay in touch with our loved ones from Ramadan to Eid.
It is also the year that brought us back to simplicity and appreciating the little things that truly matter. This proves the importance of lifelong learning, as it is encouraged in Islam.

One of the main highlights for this year’s Raikan Ilmu includes the Raikan Ilmu Hour that will be happening next Friday, 30 October 2020. It will be held online from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm. You can participate in the various activities held in conjunction with Raikan Ilmu Hour and submit your entries by 25th October.

In the spirit of learning, members of the public are encouraged to pledge an intent to embrace lifelong learning, even beyond the Raikan Ilmu month. Your pledge could be as simple as reading a book or signing up for short courses that’s available online.
Share your pledge by shooting a 15 seconds or less video.
Ensure you’re recording in landscape mode and on 4K mode if it’s available on your smartphone.
Email to
One of the best ways to learn is to teach, so if you have a beneficial skill to impart, you can share it online via a video on Facebook or IGTV and get the rest of the community involved.
Sama Raikan
This year, Riduan Zalani, a recipient Goh Chok Tong Youth Promise Award 2006 (now known as Anugerah Belia Cemerlang) composed the song, Sama Raikan where the focus is on lifelong learning and adab (manners) when it comes to seeking knowledge.
Be a part of Sama Raikan by recording a short video either solo or with family and friends because the more the merrier.
Ensure you’re recording in landscape mode and on 4K mode if it’s available on your smartphone.
Submit the video via any online file transfer sites (Google Drive, Wetransfer, Dropbox) to by Sunday, 25 October.
Don’t forget to upload your video on Facebook or Instagram to encourage others to participate too! Tag @MENDAKI with hashtag #SamaRaikan
The song is a collaboration with lyricist Mdm Hartinah Ahmad, well known among singers in the Malay music scene, NADI Singapura and the legendary Ramli Sarip. The lyrics can be found online on
Sama Raikan Lyrics

Get creative and send in your interpretations of what the lyrics means to you!
1. Select 1 out of the 3 excerpts of lyrics below.
2. Submit your interpretation of what these lyrics mean to you via a photo and short description.
3. Post on social media and tag @MENDAKISG and include the hashtag #SamaRaikan. Do ensure your post is public.
A. Ilmu sedikit jika berhikmah, Garam selaut menjadi tawar
B. Kepalang diri menuntut ilmu, Pasir sebutir jadikan intan
C. Banyak harta miskin ilmu, Ibarat rumah tidak berdinding
Over 100 activities have been planned including storytelling for children, science programmes for students and financial literacy for parents with pre-schoolers. This year’s festival attracted close to 50 partners of which 11 are returning partners in continued support for Raikan Ilmu.
The list of events can be found at
Knowledge is a lifelong journey, embrace every opportunity that comes along and make it beneficial, for yourself and for others.