Smuggling Attempt Foiled By ICA, Unpaid Cigarettes Hidden In Roof Of Lorry

Immigrations and Checkpoints Authority Singapore (ICA) busted a contraband cigarette smuggling attempt when they noticed an anomaly during regular scanning of a Malaysian registered lorry.
The video shared on ICA’s official FB page shows the smuggling attempt was foiled when they discovered duty unpaid cigarettes hidden in the roof of the lorry.

Source: Facebook, ICA
In true border patrol hero style, the officers brought out a hammer to tear apart the roof of the lorry to confirm their suspicions.

Source: Facebook, ICA
A total of 796 cartons and 905 packets of duty-unpaid cigarettes was found.

Source: Facebook, ICA
The case was then referred to Singapore Customs for further investigations.

Source: Facebook, ICA
Netizens applauded the officers’ quick thinking and vigilance.

Some suggested that the officers be equipped with the proper tools to ensure their safety.

Some people prefer acoustic over electronic.

This one, extra vigilant.

Smoking kills.

In recent years, a number of smuggling attempts have been foiled by the vigilant officers at ICA and Customs Singapore. Kudos to them.
Reporter’s Opinions: I have a feeling the officer wielding the hammer was waiting for his moment judging by the way he swung it down.

With the rising prices of cigarettes, it is not surprising that there are more attempts of smuggling contraband packs.

According to research, a pack of contraband cigarettes is about 30-40% cheaper than the ones you get over the counter. For heavy smokers who smoke a pack a day, we are looking at quite a lot of savings on their part. Also, cigarettes from across the borders apparently have a higher nicotine content, therefore more “kick” for seasoned smokers.

The cigarettes in Singapore are relatively “better” because of the strict regulations but according to some smokers, the kick and taste of it here is affected due to that.

This is all research however. PSA, stay away from cigarettes kids. It kills.
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