Officer Poses For Picture With Peace Sign Next To Deceased In Tent, SPF Apologizes For His Mistake

A Facebook post showing a police officer posing with peace signs for a photo while standing beside a blue police tent has gone viral. The complaint was posted by Tracy Lim, the niece of the deceased in the tent, who called the officer’s actions “disrespectful and unacceptable” to her family. Many netizens were also outraged by the lack of professionalism and sensitivity he displayed.

Source: Facebook, Tracy Lim
As of publishing, her original post has been taken down. She has since updated that SPF has contacted her and apologised to her family for the officer’s actions.

Source: Facebook, Tracy Lim
SPF also issued a public post, highlighting that the officer’s actions were inappropriate and reiterating that all officers are expected to behave professionally when managing incidents. They also said that internal action will be taken against the officer.

Source: Facebook, Tracy Lim
Netizens responded angrily to the police officer’s insensitive act.

Source: Facebook
At the time of publishing, Tracy and her family have accepted SPF’s apology. They also appreciated the swift response provided and requested for the matter to be put to rest and privacy for the family.
Reporter’s Opinions: I won’t say much in view of the recent loss and to respect the deceased family’s privacy. Moving forward, I hope that the officer learns to maintain his professionalism according to the situation.
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