Nudist Driver Called Out For Indecent Offer On Telegram Ride Sharing Group

A screenshot was shared on SG Kaypoh 人!Facebook page on 3 Jan. of a Telegram conversation between a hitcher and an unexpected nudist driver.
The driver, whose name on the screenshots is Desmond Yap, was to pick up the hitcher from Singapore General Hospital Blk 2 or 3, with the drop-off point at Wisteria Mall.
The screenshot showed that Desmond, driving a black Toyota Vios with a plate number SJM3625H, said that he would arrive in about 6 minutes.
All was well and normal until the following text came in.
“Barely Clothed”
“By the way i quite barely clothed,” [sic] he wrote, asking if the hitcher was ok with it.
In replying to the hitcher’s question about why was he so, he gave a pretty absurd response.
He claimed that he “tend to ask” the question to a few of his hitchers.
This was definitely not his first foray driving his passengers while naked.
“If they allow me to get fully naked and touch myself while sending them to the location. No touching of you or whatsoever. And I’ll give a free ride just like that,” he wrote.
In response, the hitcher said that she was a “Muslim Hijabi” and it was disrespectful and disgusting of him to do so to his customers.
“Ah shit i am so sorry,” he replied.
Desmond apologised again and said that he’ll “pass this ride”.
It was unclear whether any police reports had been made following this incident.
Several incidents of ride-for-sex
Earlier in November, a 21-year-old woman shared that her driver, “Mr Classy”, had offered her a hitch back home free of charge for “something in return”.
Similar incident had also occurred where a driver was turned on by her photos, and requested for a hook up in exchange for a free ride home.
All these instances, including the latest incident, found their hitch drivers through a Telegram group chat.
It is not made known if all these cases originated from the same group chat.