Logo Of Straw Poking Through Bubble Tea Cup Ends Up Looking Like A Phallus

With a slogan that says, “size doesn’t matter” and an effort to be creative with branding, this particular milk tea business became the talk of the town because of their logo.
The curious looking logo was the brainchild of Irish, the owner of Dew Thai, a milk tea shop running out of a pushcart in Manila.
According to Irish, she created the logo using an app called Logo Maker. She wanted a minimalist yet unique logo thus the focus on the straw poking out of the cup.
Irish mentioned that she received a lot of DMs asking her to explain her logo which looks like a penis. She also mentioned that it is a matter of perspective on how people look at the design.

Even the name Dew Thai is a word play of sorts. It comes from the Visayan word “dyutay” meaning small. Combine that with the logo and the slogan, it is definitely a clever marketing ploy to generate the buzz around a new business.
The logo however has gone through a redesign and it now looks more wholesome much to the dismay of many who found the accidental tongue-in-cheek branding endearing.

Luahan Wartawan: I have to admit that it is a clever marketing strategy without being outright rude.

Who would have thought that the design was intentional especially for a milk tea shop? But it sure inspires thirst.

It would definitely create the hype and buzz she needed for a two-week-old business amid the pandemic.
And to be honest, the new logo still doesn’t look that wholesome in my opinion…