Local Influencer Name And Shamed Online Bullies

A local influencer, Chrysan Lee, named and shamed the people who body shamed her in the comments section of her TikTok. In the particular TikTok video, Lee was showing off her favourite top.
The comments section was then filled with those who compared her chest to an aeroplane runway.

There are those who decided to get a little bit more creative, using terms like flat surfaces and vinyl flooring.

The TikTok comment section is a gift that keeps on giving, in all the wrong ways.

Chrysan Lee, who is also a talent with Wah!Banana, decided to keep her comments section on her TikTok video open so that people can see the atrocious behaviour of keyboard warriors who hide behind screens.

She went on a rant on Instagram, expressing her disgust over men who perpetuate such toxicity online.

Local celebrity, Paul Foster, echoed her sentiment.

Netizens applauded her for speaking up against cyber trolls.

And then there are those who decide to play devil’s advocate because the cybersphere is the perfect ground for that.

At the end of the day, influencers are humans too. They know that their life is for public consumption but that does not mean that they are immune to nasty comments.

Body shaming is never okay. It is bullying and it’s an age-old problem. The internet has given trolls a false sense of security where they believe that they can run their mouths without any consequences. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not one at the expense of others’ mental wellbeing.
Reporter’s Opinions: I find the comments calling her out for similar behaviour rather interesting. Has she made similar comments towards others?
I hate bullies in any form. As a former victim of bullying, I understand how others feel when they are bullied. I have been body shamed for my size and it was not a good feeling. What’s worse is how those bullies said it to my face. I gave them back what they dished and they resorted to jeering.
When it comes to bullies, learn to stand up to them. They are fucking cowards. Especially today when they are hiding behind screens.
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