Joseph Gordon Levitt Asked For Someone To Record One Word In Malay, Overwhelmed With Responses

Joseph Gordon Levitt, an actor known for his repertoire of roles recently posted a link on his Facebook page, asking for Malay speakers to record the word “puisi” and upload it on his hitrecord platform.
It was part of a project where he wanted to collect poetry in various languages.
“I wanted to start a project where we can collect poetry written in many different languages and see what larger projects they might spark. Maybe community members who are multi-lingual can eventually translate a few poems, and we can see how they evolve and change in the process.”
There were various voice recordings of people who sent in the word but these two stood out the most for being rather witty.
Joseph then followed up the posting with another picture prompt and he asked people to contribute one liner to a rather thought-provoking picture. It could be written in either English or Malay language.
Most entries were describing a form of longing but there are a few funny ones that stood out. Like these.

It is rather an acquired taste, if you’d admit.

These are really simple yet poignant ones which strikes a chord.

But perhaps the most thought provoking one would be this.

“The beauty and bounty of the Almighty is limitless. The more we learn to appreciate the beauty of His creations, the more knowledge we gain. We may think that we have learned it all, but the truth is, what we know is, but a droplet of water compared to the oceans of knowledge left to explore.”
Reporter’s Opinion: Joseph is known for his creative prompts across his social media accounts. He seems to enjoy collaborations with anyone who wants to express their creativity.

Recently, he posted a photo of a woman who was dancing in the rain, prompting people to express themselves which inspired witty one liners with a Singaporean flavor.
The astronaut photo however, even inspired a certain humble writer to express their own thought.

A tad emotional? Maybe. Afterall, I am a writer and I have a flair for dramatics.