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Housemate Slaps Woman For Cooking At 5am

Writer: Lintah DarahLintah Darah

Housemate Slaps Woman

Vestene Wong took to Facebook to share her experience of being slapped by her housemate. In the post that went viral with over 10K shares, she mentioned that she was living in a rental unit with 3 other housemates.

Vestene Wong

On Sunday morning, Vestene woke up at 5 am to prepare food for her hiking trip. She got the shock of her life when her housemate came and slapped her face for waking her up.

On Sunday morning

The housemate also abused Vestene verbally and asked her why she didn’t bring the stove into the living room to cook.

The housemate also abused Vestene verbally

In the CCTV footage uploaded by Vestene, the housemate was seen slapping her unprovoked.

Vestene Wong

Source : Vestene Wong

Vestene reported the housemate to the police but she was unapologetic. The housemate played the mental illness card saying that she had mild anxiety. According to Vestene, the police asked her housemate to apologise to which she replied,

“I’m willing to apologise but for you to acknowledge my apologies is another matter. Yes I am wrong but she’s also not considerate at all.”

Netizens showed their support for Vestene in the comments section, most saying that the slap was uncalled for.

Netizens showed their support for Vestene

Pulling the mental illness card is one that is favoured by many lately but it does not excuse bad behaviour.

Azrina Azri

And then there is this clown who seems to think that a slap is justified for failing to pre-empt the housemate.

Feon Jin Rei

While Vestene’s post was made for awareness, bullying anyone is still a big no-no.

Leroy Constantine Choong

Vestene also said that she did inform her housemate the night before that she would be using the kitchen out of consideration since the housemate lives in the room facing the kitchen. She then concluded her post by saying that she is still living there as it is the last month of her tenancy at the house. She’s living in fear, hoping that her housemate won’t hurt her for the remainder of her time there.

Reporter’s Opinions: What is this behaviour Pooja or should I say Angie?

What is this behaviour Pooja or should I say Angie

The kitchen is a common area and the landlord gave the green light for everyone to use it. I don’t think cooking at 5 am will disturb anyone unless of course, Vestene was cooking biryani for a party of 10.

The kitchen is a common area

I’d have slapped your face back if it was me. Who the fuck do you think you are coming in like that to slap someone just because they’re cooking and it triggered your anxiety?

dumbass bitch

I hate it when people blame anxiety for shitty behaviour. Anxiety does not cause one to be an abusive asshole. If you truly have anxiety, you would know how debilitating it can get when you get an attack.

There is a difference between attitude and anxiety. You just have a terrible attitude and you were probably triggered by some other reasons. You chose to inflict violence on someone because you can and that’s on you, not on them.

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