Dog Owner Appeals For Witnesses After Fatal Bartley Flyover Hit-And-Run, Gets Slammed Online For Neg

A video by the owner of a dog that died in a hit-and-run, @sorapoh on Instagram, has gone viral. She appealed for witnesses of the tragic accident to step forward and identify the black Subaru XV. Despite seeing the dog from afar, it did not slow down even after running the animal over.

Source: Instagram, netiizenz

Her dog, Luca
Netizens were blaming her as her dog wasn’t leashed in the video. Following that, Sora gave her account of how her dog got there in the first place where it first escaped from her house through an open gate, before going through neighbouring estates and buildings and finally reaching the bend at the tunnel which was the main site of the accident. The chase lasted for 40 minutes.

Despite her detailed description and effort in retrieving Luca, numerous netizens felt her negligence contributed to the accident.

Many gave their well wishes and love towards the late Luca, saying that he is in a better place.

Currently, investigations are still under way in tracking down the driver. While the area lacked traffic cameras, Sora hopes that footage from nearby roads can help her track down the culprit in order to file a lawsuit against them.

Reporter’s Opinions: RIP Luca.

Illustration by @kenzopanko
I’m an animal lover. I have 3 cats currently and my favourite one passed away last year due to cancer. I empathise with Sora but I hope that this raises awareness for all pet owners to be extra vigilant and ensure that our pets’ safety are always secured. It is really unfortunate that this happened because he looked like he had many years ahead of him.
Despite the mixed responses to the case, all I hope for is that the culprit is found because regardless of whose fault it is, a hit-and-run is still a chargeable offence. Hopefully when that happens, Sora can rest easy and find peace knowing that justice is served for Luca <3
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