Cikgu Maths Kesal, Video Youtube Beliau Tiada Tontonan

Sumber: Youtube
Malaysia – Video-video yang tular pada masa kini melibatkan unsur negatif seperti kecaman yang dikenali sebagai “cancel culture”.
Namun, mengapakah sesuatu aspek yang bermanfaat tidak mendapat sambutan yang setaraf?
Begitulah keadaan Cikgu Zulkifli yang telah memuatnaikkan beberapa video untuk berkongsi pelbagai teknik untuk menjawab soalan matematik di pautan Youtube.
Video-videonya tidak mendapat satu tontonan pun.
Namun semenjak luahannya, saluran Youtubenya yang kini dinamakan “Zulkifligc SimpleMaths” telah mendapat tontonan dan komen-komen yang positif.

Sumber: Youtube

Sumber: Youtube

Sumber: Youtube

Sumber: Youtube
Luahan wartawan: Ah! Benda yang boleh viral, tak nak viral. Tapi takpe, the netizens talked some sense ah. The title of his videos were too generic which makes it harder for them to be searched up.
If only I had his videos as reference when I took my ‘O’ Levels, I wouldn’t get D7.
I hated the subject and my teacher but if I got this guy, I would be happy sia. It is also coincidental that he has the same name as my primary school teacher who got me motivated to study, then and now.
Its ok though. I may be weak in Math but I am stronger in other aspects. That’s why, we should never stop learning. You’ll never know when it might come in handy and when it can be monetised 😉