Camped 24 Hours On A Treetop Just For An Internet Signal To Complete Her Online Exams

Veveonah Mosibin went viral recently when she had to spend 24 hours on a treetop for an internet signal just so that she could complete her online exams.
She caught the attention of Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission and her little village of Pitas in Sabah will be getting a new telecommunication tower. This will allow the students living in the area benefit from better connectivity for their home-based learning during the period of Recovery Movement Control Order.

Veveonah was awarded a scholarship to pursue her bachelor’s by University Sabah Malaysia, where she is currently doing her foundation studies in Science. She was also allowed to use the university’s facilities to continue her studies.
Following in her footsteps is Rose, a final year student at University Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak. In her Facebook post, she said that she was inspired by Veveonah’s method of using a mosquito net while camping outside to study.
Similar to Veveonah’s case, the connection in the forest is better for her to access the online portals to complete her online learning as compared to her longhouse area.
Which raises the question of the fate of students living in rural kampung areas in Malaysia. Will it take virality before the info-comm infrastructure improve for these areas? Netizens debate on twitter over the incredulity of it all.
A netizen by the name of Dayang mentioned that the romanticizing of students struggle needs to stop because it is the government’s responsibility to ensure all students have an equal opportunity to study and perform to the best of their ability.
I hope they don’t provide assistance to just one person because hundreds, if not thousands more are just like her. Stop romanticising the fact that she had to climb a tree, a lot of kids NEED HELP takkan semua nak panjat pokok baru orang nampak kot — dayang (@dayangatul) June 24, 2020
According to Free Malaysia Today, the Sabah State Education Department reported that at least 52 percent of Sabah students do not have easy access to smart devices or the Internet at home.
Luahan Wartawan: Why does it take for a viral post before the welfare of students in rural areas to improve? Aren’t they worth the investment too?

Some of the brightest minds comes from kampungs and they’re creative too, just look at Rose and Veveonah.

I agree with the netizens when they said not to romanticize her struggle as a student who has to juggle working for her parents while studying and sitting for exams in a non-conducive environment simply because the infrastructure is not up to par.

Having said that, I admire the resilience and grit shown by these girls. They choose to strive and persevere in the pursuit of education that will ensure a better future not only for them, but their families as well.