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Beheading Humans Too Controversial, Taliban Ordered Mannequins To Be Beheaded As it Is Un-Islamic

Writer: Lintah DarahLintah Darah

Beheading Humans Too Controversial

Source: Insider News

In a recent controversial call made by the Taliban, shopkeepers were asked to behead mannequins as heads of dummies are “idols” that’s forbidden in Islam.

Shopkeepers in the western Afghan province of Herat were ordered to remove the heads of female mannequins by The Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.

remove the heads of female mannequins

Source: Google Images

They would be punished severely for failure of compliance with the order. According to Afghan news outlet, Raha News, the director of the local ministry deems looking at the face of female mannequins is contrary to Sharia Law.

Shopkeepers are grousing as the mannequins are expensive and cutting off the heads is a great loss to them. One said that the mannequins cost up to $200 each and beheading them causes him great pain.

Shopkeepers are grousing as the mannequins are expensive

Source: Pinterest

Netizens reacted predictably in the comments section, many citing that Afghanistan will now regress to what it was before.

many citing that Afghanistan will now regress to what it was before.

Some were in disbelief over such trivialities.

Some were in disbelief over such trivialities

When displaying mannequin’s head amounted to idolatry is anybody’s guess.

Myung Dae
Lisa Sorensen

Beheading people was too controversial so they decided to do it to mannequins instead.

Eman Zahir

This man speaks the truth. A desire to control everything is a sign of mental illness.

A desire to control everything is a sign of mental illness

Earlier this week, Sky News reported that the same ministry told drivers that they shouldn’t take women on long trips without a male chaperone.

“Women travelling more than 45 miles (72km) should not be offered a ride if they are not accompanied by a close family member, a ministry spokesperson told the AFP news agency on Sunday. He specified it must be a close male relative.”

Women travelling more than 45 miles

Source: Sky News

Reporter’s Opinions: Who the fuck is worshipping mannequins? The damned things are faceless anyways. Or is there something more sinister? Agalmatophilia maybe? It is the sexual attraction towards dolls and the likes.

Even if for some reason you find it indecent, covering the head is enough, no? Beheading a mannequin to satiate your repressed tendency doesn’t solve anything.

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