Baffling CCTV Footage Shows Uncle Destroying Hari Raya Decorations For No Reason, Netizens Outraged

A recent post showing an uncle cutting off orchids from his neighbour’s pots went viral on Facebook.

Zizie Caipirinha shared in her Facebook post that the uncle will cause trouble every year when Hari Raya is approaching.

The CCTV footage shows him fondling the orchids before plucking them off and throwing them to the ground.

He then walks towards the lift to continue vandalizing the plants there.

Netizens were outraged at the uncle’s actions, some noting that orchids are expensive plants.

Most asked her to make a police report since it’s a yearly occurrence.

Some believed in a name and shame policy, infamy can do wonders for people who are inconsiderate.

It shows a lack of respect for racial harmony.

It shows a lack of respect for racial harmony.

This netizen had a different view since it is still Ramadan, where Muslims are encouraged to forgive others.

There seems to be no motive to the uncle’s actions except malice. There is no reason to be unnecessarily mean to one’s neighbours. We are a racially harmonious nation, let’s strive to keep it that way for good.
Reporter’s Opinions: If it was me, I would have confronted the uncle. Find his house and give him a piece of my mind. Or kill him with kindness.
I wonder what goes through his head as he destroys something so beautiful. Only a person who is deeply angry or jealous will destroy beauty.
Orchids are freaking expensive okay. I feel for the owner who had to watch their precious flowers mutilated that way. I used to keep roses but for some reason, cats love to poop in my pots and my roses died. Something about the acidity of their poop that kills the rose plant.
Gardening is an expensive hobby and people spend a lot of time and effort tending to their plants. Please don’t ruin other people’s happiness just because you’re deeply unhappy.
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