Baby’s Cry Upsets Neighbour, Prompting Them To Write Her A Letter, This Is Her Witty Reply

There are all sorts of privileged people in this world and then there is this extra special breed who expects absolute silence just because they are working from home.
From a 5-month-old child.

In a recent post made by Geralyn Amy Yeh, she uploaded a long reply to a handwritten note by her neighbour who was disturbed by the crying of her 5-month-old child.
The sarcasm in her letter was apparent and netizens applauded Geralyn for handling the matter in a rather calm way.

Most were saying that they would have immediately knocked on the neighbour’s door to settle the score face to face.
Luahan Wartawan: Wah the stupid is strong in this one.

When you’re living in a block of flats, it is normal for some amount of noise. Especially when it is a young estate and there are new parents around.

I get it you need to concentrate while doing work from home, but you could also have closed the door while you work, no?
And for the smartasses who are commenting about bad parenting, I suggest you start giving constructive suggestions then on how to train and condition a 5-month-old child.

Yeah, a child whose brain is still developing and absorbing the world around them. A child who has yet to understand why they are feeling that way and have no other way of expressing themselves except to cry.

Aiya, learn to live and let live lah. If you can’t stand the sound of a crying child, you do something that’s within your control. Simple mah.